The Pignolet Family
The Pignolet Family is dedicated to curing TBM and donated a generous $25,000 donation in 2021 in honor of their mom, Jackie Pignolet who has TBM. We are eternally grateful to the Pignolet Family for their commitment to CureTBM!

Sara Duffy and Family
"I was fortunate to meet Jennifer while working as an occupational therapist on a medical acute care unit in Boston in 2015. Her battle with TBM and her incredible fight to receive the right diagnosis and medical
care had a real impact on me. What also left a lasting and indelible impression on me was her positive spirit despite her situation and her incredible achievement of creating a foundation to spread awareness and work toward a cure for TracheoBroncoMalacia. For each of the past two years, my parents expressed their desire to support an organization that had
a personal meaning to me. Immediately my mind went to Jennifer and CureTBM. The ability to in some way support her efforts brings us immense happiness and we hope that our donations along with the philanthropy of others will help support Cure TBM's important mission."

The Buchwalter Family
Lauren "Lulu" has TBM and her family helps provide pediatric nebulizers to children at Boston Children's Hospitals. The generous gift is much appreciated by many families who receive the nebulizers due to the challenges patients often face to get nebulizers approved from insurance.

The Ross Family
Jami and Bruce Ross were also founding members of the CureTBM Foundation from a financial perspective since 2016. To this day, their generous donations are largely part of the reason why CureTBM is able to say "yes" to so many research projects.

The Gibbs Family
John and Debbie Gibbs were amongst the first individuals to establish the CureTBM Foundation with monetary funds. John and Debbie's generosity is sincerely appreciated and they are valued as active members of the CureTBM Board of Directors, where they serve as Co-Chief Financial Officers.
Learn more about John and Debbie here!