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Meet Lynk!

Cure TBM

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Lynk was born 12 weeks premature and spent 2 months in the hospital. One day after Lynk was discharged home, he turned blue and appeared to not be breathing. Immediately, Lynk's family called 911 and he was transported to the hospital.

After evaluating Lynk, doctors told his parents they didn't see anything wrong and they were discharged. As the weeks went by, Lynk continued to turn blue up to eight times a week. Each time this happened, Lynk's parents were told there was nothing wrong and they were sent home.

Frustrated and helpless

Lynk's parents were beyond frustrated and felt helpless they couldn't help their son. In addition, medical bills were piling up from their trips to the Emergency Room, testing and doctors' visits. Determined to proceed in helping their son, Lynk's parents needed to fundraise. Their local news station picked up the story.

From across the country

While the intent of the news story was to attract attendees to their fundraiser, the story had a much greater impact. A couple of days after the story aired, a woman from across the country reached out to Lynk's parents suggesting Boston Children's Hospital and Dr. Jennings. Immediately, Lynk's mom called Dr. Jennings and began the process to get Lynk to Boston.

Seeking treatment

Dr. Jennings and his team diagnosed Lynk with severe tracheobronchomalacia and suggested Lyn have a Tracheopexy procedure. The procedure seemed to provide some relief, but still, Lynk would have "blue spells." Lynk's parents contacted Dr. Jennings' offie and a month later, Lynk had an aortopexy.

Happy ending

After the tracheopexy and aortopexy, Lynk's parents saw a dramatic improvement in his health. He is now thriving and has been "blue spell" free for 6 months!

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